
SIDA 是由新加坡室內設計師協會主辦, 旨在提升區域乃至全球室內設計師的水平,獎項同時擁有國際室內建築設計師團體聯盟IFI和新加坡設計理事會DSG雙重認證,是亞太區室內設計界的最高殊榮之一。

今年的評分標準包括設計影響力、創意 、空間運用與美感,很榮幸權釋設計從亞太區數千件優秀作品中脫穎而出,將與其他五家設計公司角逐最後的獎盃與獎章。



權釋設計 - 新繽紛年代



Design concept
In order to reflect the character of international city, the artistic conception of Chinese literature is integrated into the private reception hall, which is based on the western architectural concept. The style is divided into three areas according to the age. Each area’s tone is set by a classic Chinese poem. The "Yin(隱)"" area is gentle and restrained. The "Wen(文)" area is eye-opening. The " Chao(潮)" area is trendy and bold. The immersive experience is planned to combine the East and the West.



Creative techniques
Combines Eastern and Western techniques and redefines the social and entertainment space in the new era. Considering the age difference and different life states, the areas are divided into three parts: " Yin(隱)", "Wen(文)" and "Chao(潮)". Each part is designed with the poetry works of ancient Chinese poets as the theme.


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